Interior Space Design Workshop - Sacred Space.

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25 June 2024, in Lecture Hall R1 of the School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering of the Politecnico di Milano, the semester-long journey of the students who presented their projects in the exhibition at the INTERIOR SPACE DESIGN WORKSHOP with the theme lo SACRED SPACE.

The Prof. Pierluigi Salvadeo with the integration of the Prof. Matteo Poli and the assistant Arch. Diletta Casolariin the presence of the Vice Principal Prof. Gessica Grittisurrounded by the Professors Arch. Marco Palandella, Dr Sergio Conti, Prof. Don Lorenzo Maggioni presented the criteria by which the work would be judged, after which the student teams took turns in describing the concept that guided them in the realisation of their project and the operational steps taken.

Each group autonomously chose the area to work in from those identified by the lecturer in the Milan area, with the freedom to produce models and illustrative tables according to their own sensitivity.

At the end of each description, the professors present and, took turns in elaborating on the theme of the sacred as it was envisaged in each architectural proposal, rich in graphics and three-dimensional models in the context of the general layout.

One must immediately recognise the extreme variety of treatments, ranging from research more properly linked to the sacred space understood from a confessional point of view, albeit with entirely new expressions, to proposals detached from any context with connotations that can be traced back to a religious belief.

Outside of any contingency due to a public or private commission, the freedom was absolute and manifested in what spirit the students approached the subject.

One can therefore see, along with the architectural treatment of the various works, the study and research with an open eye to philosophy and psychology, in the sense that one can read in the realisations with what vision and with what sensitivity the students have approached the issues pertaining to spirituality. 

No qualms about daring unusual investigations and paths that describe the plurality of sentiments of the contemporary world, especially the world of youth, called upon to accept or provocatively challenge forms and modes of a tradition established in the past. 

With these considerations, the evaluation of the projects carried out transcends the judgement of purely architectural values to embrace the visions underlying the conception of spaces, visions that speak of the suggestions and dreams of a generation called upon to interpret what the "sacred" communicates today to the heart of man thirsting for truth and light for his life.
